Friday, 8 April 2011

Three weeks of snowy times remaining!

I guess I should try and pick up where I left off which was .... just over a month ago, wow it feels likes ages ago!

So the langage cafe I mentioned in my last post was very enjoyable. I've been to the English and French cafe's a few times each and it was really nice to meet some foreigners :) I also did a French cooking evening with the French group where we made all kids of quiches and an apple tart. We went over to one of the Finnish girls apartments and listened to French music, drank red wine and chatted in french, t'was a rather perfect night ;) Oh I did miss my last bus home though so had to get a taxi at midnight which did cost me 15 euros more than the bus would, but not a big problem I guess!

I was ill for basically a week with a stomach virus I caught of Tatu which was more than a bit unpleasant. Just a kind of constant stinging pain that meant I got hardly any sleep for days. But to be fair Riikka and their Dad both got it so I was bound to get it at some point even though Satu did escape it!

Last weekend we had Satu's 40th birthday party which was lost of fun. The kids went to a family friends and me and Satu baked all sorts of things. We had 2 cakes, 3 quiches a salad and I even made some spring rolls..get me. We spent the whole day cooking and everyone seemed to really like the food. Almost everyone went out to a bar about midnight but being the youngster there I decided I didnät really fancy it. i've been out a couple of times with Satu to bars and I've enjoyed it but when you are way younger than everyone else it isn't quite the same lol. So me and one other lady stayed back. I tidied up too which Satu was very pleased about. She did feel rather il in the morning which was quite funny as it seemed like I was the sensible one looking after the guests who had stayed over haha.

I have also made a good friend on my English course called Rachel who is from the Philipines. She is around my mum's age but we get on really well so the age difference doesn't seem to matter at all which is nice. She lives down the road from me and so gives me a lift to the lessons and back most days. I dropped off her homework one evening when she had been away from the lesson and she invited me in for dinner as she had a guest round and one person was missing. That is when she taught me to make the spring rolls and I did for the party and thenwe sang Karaoke after which I haven't done since Disney so brought back many mems. It was a funny night. Also her husband used to go out with my aunt when they were young and lived in adifferent town, small world! Its funny because I seem to bump into more people I know than Satu does when we are out, it makes us laugh. I wonder if I have anything else major to report?

The children's dad is in Thailand and Satu has gone to Lapland on training for 3 days so I am with the kids alone this weekend. It always scares me because it really could be a disaster with Tatu. So far its been ok, both kids did come home like an hour late so I got quite worried but I seem to have got them to bed ok with no major probs. Saying that Tatu may come down any minute and want his mum but fingers crossed he falls asleep! Then only one more night to go. I made Mokkapalaat with him earlier which he seemed to enjoy.

I've been out with Ellu in the evening a couple of times and also with Anna once. We went to a place called 'Tivoli' which means carnival and is the young people's place here. Funny thing was that even though it was over 18 everyone looked even younger than me and we were sure there were some 15 year old sneaked in there lol. Its always funny when we go out as my cousinf Elina never speaks English to me, but when she has had a few drinks we chat away! I really had never heard her speak Enlgish before!

So my last few weeks will be filled up with Easter and then Vappu which is a Finnish celebration when I get to wear my graduation cap my aunt and uncle bought me :D I visited my older cousin Vilja with her 2 children last weekend and we are off with Vilja, her sister Saara, Anna, Ellu and me to dinner, bowling and drinks next Friday which I am really looking forward too. I can definitely say the thing I have enjoyed most about my experience here is spending time with my relatives that I usually only see once every year or two and for only a couple of weeks. They've really been so welcoming and I've really felt like part of the family. I am also going to Kuopi next weekend with Satu to visit her friend there when the children are ¨back at there Dad's. I met her friend and at the party and she is nice.

Ooh one more thing, I visited Satu mum and dad with the children one weekend a while ago in Kuhmo. I loved the food their grandma cooked as it was all vegetarian traditional finnish food mmmm, I have a feeling the kids weren't so pleased with all the vegetables though. It was nice to get away from Joensuu and see somewhere new and we stopped off at Nurmes on the way back so I saw my Mum's old house hwere she grew up :) It was quite stressful in the car with Tatu screaming though so I did have to have my ipod speakers up quite loud to try and stop the frustration lol.

I think my next blog will either be from home sweet home in England or when I am just about the leave which is exciting times! Once again as I am nearing the end of this experince I am reeeaaally ready to be back home. I keep thinking about my friends and fam and the fact that I am offto China wooooo! Although I will have to go on a major fitness drive when I am back to try and even be slightly prepared, but I can deal with that I hope as I've done more than enough lying around inside in this cold weather! Love to all xxxxxxxxx